

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

15 Minute Snack

You need to know what foods to avoid when you snack to lose weight the healthy way.

Avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates such as pretzels, chips, white bread, etc.

Try to avoid snacks with sugar since it throws your insulen off whack and only intensify
your cravings.

As you avoid overeating when you have a craving, you're likely to lose the weight faster
and kick start your metabolism to work harder.

If a craving does hit try a glass of water first.

If that doesn't work try a small snack such as an apple.
Apples have fiber and foods high in fiber are
great for snacks since they help you to feel full.

One method used for snacking is watch the clock for 15 minutes before you snack.
Then drink a glass of water or snack.

This one of the many ways to control your eating habits and lose the weight.

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