

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Green Tea Weight Loss Plan

Many people are now turning to inexpensive and natural green tea weight loss plans to help them in their weight control efforts. It is simple too. Green tea can be drunk like any other tea, usually without milk or sweeteners, or if you do not like the taste you can purchase green tea extract.
Research has shown that green tea helps to reduce weight by stimulating the body's thermogenesis process, which increases the expenditure of energy and the oxidization of fat in the body. Many compounds found in plants have this effect. The special thing about green tea is that it does not increase the heart rate, and is therefore believed to be safer than diet pills such as ephidrine that also work by stimulating thermogenesis.

A lot of people who are overweight have or are at risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular problems, so the fact that green tea does not put pressure on the heart makes it a good choice. Ephidrine is not usually recommended if you are in this group but green tea is considered a safe option. It means that you can gradually increase your exercise levels without increasing your risk of heart problems.

There are only two ways to lose weight: one way is by eating less (consuming fewer calories) and the other is by increasing expenditure of energy (using up more calories). Green tea works by increasing output and this can be by around 4%. Most scientists believe that this is caused by the high quantity of catechin that is in the tea and its extract.

Green tea has the added benefit of containing powerful antioxidants that may be beneficial to your health in many ways, strengthening the immune system and protecting against disease.
Keep in mind that green tea does contain caffeine so you should cut out coffee and other forms of tea while you are taking it. Decaffeinated green tea is not recommended because the chemical processes that are used to remove the caffeine may destroy the beneficial properties of the plant.
At the same time you will need to exercise control in what you eat. If you eat more to compensate for the calories that are burnt by the tea, you will not lose any weight. Keeping to the same calorific intake that you have now and taking green tea should result in gradual weight loss and better energy levels over a few weeks. You can of course increase the speed of this by reducing calorie consumption and/or increasing exercise.

Green tea is a simple, easy and inexpensive weight control aid that can easily be incorporated into any weight loss program. The choice of tea or extract offers something for everybody. Natural and safe, green tea weight loss should feature in your program if you want to keep the weight off permanently.

If you want more information on how to lose weight then sign up for my free report.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Some Easy Tips for Weight Loss

Here are 5 free weight loss tips:

No condiments:
that means no mustard, mayo, salad dressing, or dressing for you salad.
They are loaded with sugar and other calories.

Drink black coffee or black tea:
Adding milk or sugar will defeat your purpose of losing weight.
Milk is high in fat and you don't want sugar in your diet.

Excerise and eat breakfast.
If you don't excerise and eat breakfast you metabolism wont kick in
and it will be harder to lose the weight.

Drink lots of water! I know everyone says drink water but it will help
you lose the weight. Drink a glass before you eat. You won't eat as much.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegatables that are not fried.
This will fuel your metabolism to work even harder.

And be patient when losing your weight.
You didn't gain your weight over night and it will take a little
time to lose it. Stick to your goals and you will find the slimmer

If you would like some free tips and recipes on how to lose the weight
then click on the link and sign up. It's all free!

Have a Great Day!
jay baker

Friday, December 16, 2016

Eating Healthy For Vegetarians

The vegetarian way of eating can be a very healthy style
of eating.  The rules still apply with healthy eating,
although you should add variety, balance, and moderation.

A vegetarian is someone who avoids all types of meat,
whether it be hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, or even fish.
Vegetarians are also sometimes classified by the type of
food they are or aren't willing to eat.  For example,
Lactose vegetarians will avoid animal flesh yet they
will eat eggs and most dairy products.  A Vegan on the
other hand, will avoid all food that has any trace of
animal origin.

Because they don't eat meet, vegetarians will often
wonder how they'll get enough protein.  Although you may
not realize it, the average American actually consumes
more protein than he actually needs.  For the lacto-ovo
vegetarian, dairy products are an excellent source of
protein.  Vegans on the other hand, get their protein
from nuts, seeds, and soy products.

Along the lines of beans, there are several to choose
from, including green or red lentils, peanuts, split
peas, pinto, soy, kidney, and many more.  Some of them
you are already familiar, such as kidney beans in
chili, re fried beans in Mexican dishes, red beans and
rice, and pinto beans.  Although some beans taste good
as they are, others are available with different flavors
to help enhance their taste.  Nuts are high in protein,
although they deliver a lot more fat than beans, which
means you should enjoy them in moderation.  By having
one cup of cooked beans, you'll get the same amount of
protein as eating two ounces of meat!

The nutrients of concern for vegans, who avoid all types
of animal food, are vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D.
In the average North American diet, the primary source
for B12 is animals.  To have an adequate intake of B12,
vegans should regularly consume vitamin B12 supplements or
foods, which contain vitamin B12, such as soy products
or milk.

For calcium, vegans can rely on orange juice or soy
milk, as they are fortified with calcium.  Beans and
leafy green vegetables will also contain some calcium as

Although all types of vegetarians rely on simple food
groups, controlling your vitamins and calcium intake is
something you should always do.  This is very important
for eating healthy, as well as staying healthy.  If you
control what you eat, you'll have many years of healthy
eating ahead of you.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Eating Right in Healthy Aging

You have to eat right in order to stay healthy. If you do not eat right, your body does not receive the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. You have to eat so it fuels your body. Similar to a motor vehicle, which you add gas to travel; the body requires food that promotes energy, making it go. Too much food is not good for you and not enough of the right food can be harmful to your health.

Choosing good foods to eat:
Not all foods is good for you, yet liver is loaded with iron which is good for your blood, but to much isn’t good for you either. Fruits and vegetables are good for you but again not too much because the fruit will turn into sugar and that’s not good for you. Too much may give you the gibes, especially if you have to watch your weight. You can get high cholesterol as well from food if your not careful. High cholesterol can lead to harden arteries, which follows by strokes or heart attacks. So you need to eat but watch what you are eating and how much of it in a days time.

How will I know if am not eating right?
When you go to your doctor, he will tell you if you need to go on a diet. Your doctor will be able to tell by your weight. Then he may put you on a diet to lose weight or a diet to help you gain weight. He will tell you want to eat and how much as well as what not to eat. Then he may tell you to excise everyday. You have to be able to burn up what you take in so it will not turn into sugar or fat.

Remember that you should try to feast from the four food groups. Try to make sure that you only eat the amount your suppose to, and get your excise that you need to make you healthy. You can always call your family doctor to ask him how to do something if you don’t know how they will also help you to learn how to count your calories as well it is a big job when it comes to dieting you have to know how to count your calories and weigh your food. If you don’t you are not going to do want your suppose to do.

The world is filled with support groups that will help you if need support. More then likely you can go to your local hospital and they will know how to get you in touch with a group. These groups are great. The groups will give you support during the time that you need help. At group meetings, you will meet people with the same problems you have and you can give each other the support. Just remember to set a goal but don’t make it so high that you can’t do it and give up. Start out a little at a time and then as you get better you can get a increase your plans. In addition, what ever you do try to stick to it, it takes will power and control.

Willpower the master:
Willpower is a powerful mechanism inside you. If you want to find this willpower take a seat, sit down and talk with you to see what you can find. As you learn more about you, you gain willpower that takes you beyond your abilities, which means you will have a healthy aging in the future.